Hi Blogger, how are you??

Hello there, my name is Sinta Billington. I'm Indonesian, but i live in the UK since i've got married with my husband David. since then i discover more ingredients of food and how to cook ala western food.
Thank goodness my husband enjoying Asian food. There are some fruits that he doesn't want to eat it anymore such as Durian and Jack fruit. Maybe some of you doesn't like it too..^_*
Some receipes of my food i put it on this blog, but some don't because sometimes i forgoten to take a picture of it and sometimes i forgot to write it down.
Anyway, if you want to try some of my home made food. You more than welcome to try them...Good Luck!! ^_^

Lots of love,
Sinta Billington
Showing posts with label Duck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duck. Show all posts

Friday, 23 July 2010

Pan Fried Duck, Crush New Potato, Steam Bok Choy with Vinaigrette Marsala

Two days a go Dave bought Duck from France they are cheap and taste so good!!!
I wonder what can we do with those duck, and in the end Dave decided to cook it on his own way. That's make me relieved to not getting stress what should i do with those fatty duck fillets...LOL.. Anyway, there's recipe i want to share from Dave experience.

Ingredients :
Salt and Pepper (for rubbing the duck)
2 table spoon full of Marsala
1 table spoon of Butter

How to cook :
Clean the duck and dry it with kitchen towel,scratch the duck skin with knive and season them with salt and paper.

Meanwhile :
Clean new potato and boil them in a pan, On top of the pan use steamer for the vegetables (you can put any vege you would like to have).

When the potato 3/4 ready :
Put non stick pan on a fire with a little amount of butter,when the butter ready, chuck the duck on the pan and turn it over when the meat changing colour.
It can be done about 10-15 minutes.
When its done put it a side.
*Do not turn the fire off (need to used it for the gravy)
Drain new potato and crush them.

Vinaigrette Marsala (Gravy) :
Used the duck fat, Pour Marsala (it can make a fire on top of the pan *don't be panic!! Its cool!!).
When it's 3-5 minutes reduce, turn the fire off. And you can start serving!!!

Good luck and enjoy it!!!!