Hi Blogger, how are you??

Hello there, my name is Sinta Billington. I'm Indonesian, but i live in the UK since i've got married with my husband David. since then i discover more ingredients of food and how to cook ala western food.
Thank goodness my husband enjoying Asian food. There are some fruits that he doesn't want to eat it anymore such as Durian and Jack fruit. Maybe some of you doesn't like it too..^_*
Some receipes of my food i put it on this blog, but some don't because sometimes i forgoten to take a picture of it and sometimes i forgot to write it down.
Anyway, if you want to try some of my home made food. You more than welcome to try them...Good Luck!! ^_^

Lots of love,
Sinta Billington

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Sambal kacang tanah dan ikan teri

Bahan-bahan :
50 gram Ikan Teri Nasi (Ikan Bilis *kata Dave) Goreng Kering dan sisihkan
100 gram Kacang Tanah Goreng dan sisihkan

Bumbu halus :
2 Buah cabe merah besar
5 Bawang merah
3 Bawang putih
1 Ruas Jahe

Bumbu Tambahan :
2 Buah daun jeruk
2 Ruas lengkuas
1 Batang serai
Sedikit air asam jawa
Garam, gula secukupnya

Cara membuat :
Masak bumbu halus dan masukkan bumbu tambahan hingga harum dan agak berkurang airnya, dinginkan dan campurkan kacang beserta ikan teri

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