Hi Blogger, how are you??

Hello there, my name is Sinta Billington. I'm Indonesian, but i live in the UK since i've got married with my husband David. since then i discover more ingredients of food and how to cook ala western food.
Thank goodness my husband enjoying Asian food. There are some fruits that he doesn't want to eat it anymore such as Durian and Jack fruit. Maybe some of you doesn't like it too..^_*
Some receipes of my food i put it on this blog, but some don't because sometimes i forgoten to take a picture of it and sometimes i forgot to write it down.
Anyway, if you want to try some of my home made food. You more than welcome to try them...Good Luck!! ^_^

Lots of love,
Sinta Billington

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Chicken Curry

Bahan bahan (Ingredients) :

8 potong ayam ( 8 piece of chicken)
1/2 sendok teh garam (half tes spoon of salt)
1 sendok teh lada hitam ( 1 tea spoon ground black pepper)

1/2 air jeruk lemon (half lemon juice)
4 buah daun jeruk (4 kafir lime leaves)
2 buah daun salam (2 bay leaves)
175 ml santan (175 ml coconut milk)
2 iris lengkuas (2 slices of galanggal)
1 buah serai yang telah dimemarkan (1 lemon grass bruised it )

Bumbu yang dihaluskan (ground spices) :

2 cabai merah besar (2 piece big red chilli)
2 bawang putih (2 cloves of garlic)
4 bawang merah ukuran sedang (4 shallots)
2 kemiri (2 candle nut)
1 sendok teh kunyit bubuk (1tsp tumeric powder)
1 ruas jahe (half tumb of ginger)

Cara memasak :

1. Bersihkan ayam yang telah dipotong dan taburkan garam, lada hitam bubuk dan masukkanair jeruk lemon, hingga merata, diamkan selama 15 menit

2. Panaskan 1 sendok makan minyak goreng dan masukkan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan,masak hingga harum dan masukkan ayam hingga berubah warna. Setelah itu masukkan daun jeruk, daun salam, serai, lengkuas, dan santan, aduk rata.

3. Masak hingga mendidih dan cicipi, kira kira kurang apa. bisa ditambahkan sedikit gula atau garam jika perlu.

How to cook :

1. Marinate 8 piece of chicken with half of teaspoon salt, black pepper and lemon juice, and leave it for about 15 minutes

2. Hit the pan with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and put the ground spices for about 3 minutes or until its cook and smell nice, put the chicken in until the meat half cook, and then put the coconut milk into the pan and the rest of the ingredients (galanggal,bay leaves, lime leaves,lemon grass)

3. Cooked until its boiled, taste it. You can put some more salt or sugar if needed.

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